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Webster Abbott
Date of Birth:Place of Birth:
11/18/1821Hopkinton, St. Lawrence, NY
Date of Death:Place of Death:
12/31/1878Vancouver, Clark, WA
Oak Grove Farm Cemetery1031

Webster Abbott

 Webster Abbott, one of the early settlers of Clarke county, died at his home on Mill Plain on December 31, 1878.  He was born in St. Lawrence county New York, in 1821.  When quite a young man the western fever took possession of him, and he went to Chicago, and from there he went with the rush to California in 1850.  In 1852 he married Mary L. Coffey, his surviving widow, and in 1858 moved to Washington Territory, residing on Mill Plain until the day of his death.

The cause of death was consumption and final abscess of the lungs, from which he had suffered about three years, passing away at the age of 57, honored by all for a life of the strictest integrity.  Early in life he became a Presbyterian, believed strictly to the day of his death, and almost his last words were the expression of his firm conviction that although his body would soon be gone his mind could never die.

His public career was not extended, but he had served two terms in the Territorial legislature with honor to himself and credit to his constituents.  His memory will be revered by his acquaintances as that of a conscientious, upright man, who faithfully lived a Christian life.

 He leaves a wife and three children, all that is left of his family of ten.

 Vancouver Independent (Vancouver, WA)             02 Jan 1879                 Page 5


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